Globalcare has been successful in gaining approval from Foodbank Victoria to obtain food supplies for distribution to those in need in our community.

Global Care currently has a small leadership team consisting of Carlo and Rita Mosca, Michelle Galati and Carmine Santomartino, who lead this amazing benevolent ministry.

Global Care is the social justice and disaster relief arm of the International Network of Churches (INC) and we exist to spread kindness and love across Australia, and around the world.

Approximately every $4 provides a family with one large care pack of perishables and non – perishables. This includes bread, fruit and veggies, soups, canned foods, breakfast cereals, pasta, rice, etc, as well as soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergent and other toiletries.

Carlo Mosca 0416 178 573
Michelle Galati 0413 941 062

This ministry is threefold…

Firstly, we are seeking people that would like to be a Global Care, Tullamarine volunteer, to assist with the packaging and distribution of these food parcels.
Nominate someone
Secondly, we would like our Centerpoint Church family to nominate people in need of assistance

Contact Form

If you would like to either volunteer with us or know people in need please contact us or one of our Church Pastors. We would love to have you on board!

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